5 Important Lessons I Learn in Life

Irene Chia
3 min readNov 18, 2020

To Learn is better than to be Bitter in Life.

It is not wrong to say that there are evil and bad people in all walks of life. That they will always do their best to sabotage your work should they become jealous of the recognitions and accolades that one is receiving. Their pettiness and self-entitled acts are prevalent in our working environment. However, I have learnt that one should never let oneself be dragged to their level of behaviour and return in kind back to them. Instead of being bitter when they succeed in their plot against us, we should take it as a lesson learnt and be wiser the next time and learn to protect ourselves against such people.

To always Listen and be Empathetic.

The loneliest people in the world are usually the old aged. This is so should you happened to visit nursing homes. Most of them can be considered ‘abandoned’ there as I witnessed this when my mother was admitted into one before her death because I was no longer able to be her caregiver at home. I witnessed that most are rarely visited by their closed ones and they would just be sitting there idling away the time engaging in whatever activities that the home has planned for them. Some may participate while others will not engage in it and just stare blankly into space. I befriended a few of my mother’s room mates and after chatting with them realized how alone they feel. Although there were visits by volunteers but it is just not the same as compared to those with whom they knew. Although my mum has already passed away, I would never miss an opportunity to engage in a conversation with an elderly person who is all by herself. What they really want is someone to lend them a listening ear and empathize with their situation. Sometime just sparing some of our time can make a lot of difference in someone’s life.

Always Pay Forward

Although one can never change the world but we can make a difference to it if we all as individuals play our part in doing good to others. I always feel that doing good deeds should be part and parcel of one’s character. I believed that if each individual was to make an effort and do one kind act and pass along, kindness will definitely spread like the virus we are experiencing now but this is for the better good and not bringing harm to others. We should always educate and inculcate our future generations to have such a mindset to perpetuate kindness in all areas of our lives so that a world of harmony, peace and happiness can one day be actualized.

Living a Worthy Life

My mother’s death awakened in me that life in this world is truly transient and as death is inevitable for all creatures, I feel we should live our life in a worthy manner. We may not be perfect but we should always strive to live a life free of regrets. Time is against us since the day we are born and when our last day will be is something we can never foretell. Let us live each day treasuring those around us with care and love. Let those we are closed to know how much they mean to us and we should live out each day as our last so that we will not waste it but instead treasure the time we have for each other.

Family vs Singlehood

I have lived my life as a single woman until now and am the only unmarried member in my family. I felt that although being single has both pros and cons but I realized that despite the struggles of forming and building a family, I believed the latter make one’s life more colorful. The joys of children and the sharing of each other’s lives together in one household can sometime give the motivation and endurance to carry on and persevere in times of challenges and crisis. The nuclear that is formed by a family give the members a sense of belonging and also ownership of who they belong to. That all come together in unity to face all woes that befall on the family is very heart warming to witness. It is an assurance that they are not alone in this world but is connected and related to each other and nothing can severe this tie till death takes place.

